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Thelma French & Associates HR advice & consulting

Agreement From Employees to Apply for the Subsidy | Practical Advice

Mon Aug. 23rd 2021

It has come to our attention that before applying for the subsidy employers must take all practicable steps to obtain consent from their staff to share their personal information with the Ministry of Social Development.

Even if you did this last year the advice we have received is that the exercise should be repeated for the current subsidy.

If you have already applied for the subsidy and don’t have the written consent from staff to apply, we recommend you do this as soon as possible.

If you would like the template for this purpose please let us know or if you have any questions, just call.

Thelma has assisted us by providing advice, documentation and ongoing coaching through a recent recruitment process. She gave us many tips that we were not aware of including a checklist for the 90 day trial period. She also provided advice and assistance to formalise the induction process which resulted in our new employee becoming productive and feeling a valued part of the team very quickly.
Director, SME, Auckland
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